The objective of any marketing campaign is to get the audience’s attention. Letterbox flyers are a great way to spread awareness about your business. Considered to be more obtrusive and tangible, letterbox flyers are difficult to ignore.

With the help of a flyer campaign, you can get right into the homes of your audience and tell them what to do next. There are a few things to keep in mind to make sure that your campaign delivers the results you need it to.

  • Including a Call to Action

Including a clear call to action in your flyer is of critical value. This gets people to take the action you intend them to. Do you want to register on your website? Visit your store? Pick up the phone and call you? Let them know what you want them to do. Include the right words such as “Like us on Facebook”, “Visit our Website” or “Call us” to get the right results.

  • Print, Distribute, Repeat

Considering that people have access to thousands of messages all day every day, everywhere they look, there are a lot of distractions from your flyers. To be able to stand out from all the social media messages, hoardings, TVCs and newspaper headlines, just one letterbox drop will not suffice. Make sure you repeat your campaign once every few weeks.

  • The Rule of Three

The rule of three has worked well for some of the biggest, most successful brands and campaigns in the world. Try to apply this rule in your flyer design as well. The belief is that things that come in threes are more satisfying and effective. In your flyer, focus on three unique benefits of your business. Consider disseminating each flyer campaign three times before you move on to a new one.

  • The Colour Scheme

The colour scheme you use in your flyer can significantly influence the reaction you receive from your target audience. For instance, studies suggest that hues of red tend to produce faster and more forceful reactions.

Make the most of your flyer campaign to push the boundaries and create a strategy that no one can resist.